Today is pivotal. The next 6 hours may be life changing. Currently Jeff is in a hotel room in Irvine, CA waiting for a 2 hour interview with a group of people and another 2 hour interview with what would be his boss if he gets this job.
Last month Jeff was told that they were no longer going to have an AK state manager. He wasn't fired but he needed to find a lateral transfer. It's funny, because we were talking and looking to transfer anyway. This past November there were another set of lay offs and although that did not affect Jeff, we were feeling vulnerable being in AK anyway.
Yesterday I took Jeff to the airport not knowing when I will see him again. I have never had that feeling before and it wasn't a pleasant feeling....the unknown of when I'll even see Jeff; not to mention our FUTURE. Levi and Jordyn were crying in the back as I drove away. I would've been too if I hadn't been trying to be an example of strength. If he gets the job he will stay there while we stay here trying to sell the house.
In March we are flying to Maui (jeff too) for Spring Break and my parents will meet us there. I was already looking forward to that, but now more than ever do I have something to get me through the next 3-4 weeks.
I do smile at the idea of moving to warmer weather and living close proximity to family. Driving distance to family is a novel idea to me now:)
I'm excited for Jeff and nervous. He's done so much to prepare for this interview. We're similar in that way...preparing, planning, practicing, putting 110% of everything we have into something.
If he doesn't get the job, we'll be okay with that too. He'll come home by this weekend and we'll wait until something else opens up. I'm confident in the knowledge that things will work out no matter what the outcome. This, along with prayer gives much comfort in times of uncertainty.