Monday, March 10, 2014

March Madness

This post has nothing to do with basketball but everything to do with MY March Madness. Here's the breakdown of my March:
March 1-Phoenix half marathon
               temple cultural celebration Jeff was involved with
              company here for the weekend

March 2-Gilbert Temple Dedication

March 4-Suns NBA basketball game

March 7-Levi's 4th birthday party 9-12am
              Bahama Buck's employee party 4-7pm

March 10-Levi's birthday

March 11-15th-orientation and training Avalanche Crew
                       -Kid's spring break

March 14-my birthday

March 17-VIP night at Bahama Buck's 5-9

March 18-Grand Opening of Bahama Buck's

March 27-Macie's 1st birthday

March 30-family visiting for a week

Hoping we survive March Madness!


Anonymous said...

I have no doubts you guys will not only survive, but THRIVE!! (at least Jeff will! Haha!)

Kirsten said...

It will be over before you know it! Have fun and enjoy the ride!