Friday, February 5, 2010

My "pregnancy moments"

While I've been pregnant, I've had some "brain fart" moments where my mind doesn't think. Here are a few that I can remember.
1. Taking a shower w/ my glasses on and not realizing they were on until they steamed up.
2. Placing the ice cream container in the fridge.
3. Squirting face cleanser on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste.
4. Calling Jeff, "Mom."
5. Confusing myself into thinking that 30 times 10= 3000. That wouldn't be so much of a brain fart if I hadn't been a high school math teacher at one point in my life.
Then there are a million times when I go into a room w/ a purpose and completely forget why I went in there, but that even happens when I'm not prego.


Melissa said...

I must be pregnant because that stuff happens to me all of the time.

Alice said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's done stuff like this. I remember almost putting something else on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste...I can't remember what it was. I had a friend who put Desitan on her toothbrush and actually started brushing her teeth while she was pregnant.

The Shaws said...

Really? Cleanser on the toothbrush!! You got it bad:>

Luisa said...

I was just telling someone today about how I constantly go into a room in my house and have no idea what I've gone in there for. It's sad and funny at the same time. You've definitely had your share of funny ones:)

Coordination Queen said...

I love that you wrote all of these down!

Amy said...

Love that pregnancy brain! Those are funny things to remember.

Tricia Harper said...

I don't think its just pregnancy brain. I think its mom brain. I swear with each child I lost brain cells. My kids find it very entertaining!

Becca's Blog said...

You are getting so close! You and my sister are due at the same time. Exciting! Good luck and I can't wait to see the little cutie!