Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Before halloween is over, I should post the crafts I did this month thanks in part to Pinterest. If you haven't heard of Pinterest then come out of hibernation and enjoy the inspiration that awaits you. The candy corn and BOO sign were both made out of yarn and by the time I finished these 2 projects, I swore I wasn't going to lay my hands on yarn for another few years. These things were time consuming and not as easy as the cute, little pictures on Pinterest that I saw. For the BOO sign, I would've rather chosen to do the word EEK instead. Wrapping yard around the B was tricky. And if you ever decide to do the candy corn start from the tip of the cone and work down. Have your glue gun close by too. Funny, they don't mention these tips on the tutorial I looked at. I do like the final project. I like doing projects when Jeff is gone on a trip. It keeps me busy at night after the kids go to bed. You can be sure to see these decorations in my home for years to come to make the time it took well worth it. Jeff was gone for a few weeks in October. I made this Welcome Home banner with Sydney's help. Jeff's gone quite a bit so this sign will get well used, and as my kids get older I will be using it for them too. Hope you feel inspired by Pinterest as well and try a few things you see.


The Shaws said...

Cute Lauren. I have become addicted too, thanks to you!

Melissa and Dave said...

so cute!!