Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Week-day 6

Our day was crazy busy and I thought I would have time to have our devotional tonight but I didn't. We got home from a party at 6:45 pm, our kids still needed baths, and they were zombies so making Easter cookies as part of our activity was out of the question. Kids went to bed at 7:30 and Jeff and I will be soon. We did celebrate Easter today, in terms of Easter baskets and an Easter egg hunt, so tomorrow we can focus more on the deeper meaning of Easter using our 5 senses. I hope it goes as well as I envision it. My easter treat to myself-a free loaf of Cinnamon Chip bread from Great Harvest. hmmmm. I can taste it now.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I have loved reading about your Easter activities. Your kids are so lucky to have a mom like you!