Friday, January 24, 2014

a simple picnic

I grabbed my camera because I specifically wanted to remember a simple picnic Levi and I shared a few days ago. It wasn't anything too exciting, he didn't reveal anything profound or exceptionally funny to document. It was just a warm, feeling I had. Enjoying a warm afternoon with my only son in our backyard. Enjoying his 3 year old messy face, cute conversation and speech, little body, and observing his happy, innocent spirit. He makes me stop and enjoy the simple an ordinary picnic.

Pretty sure I'm gonna be sad when he goes off to school all day, so for now I'll enjoy his company. We like to play puzzles together, play Blokus, Aggravation, Candyland, and yahtzee. He likes me to read to him, play games with his Sight words, he also like to jump on our trampoline, drink hot chocolate, and take warm baths during the day too. He has a pretty great life I think.

1 comment:

gammie said...

What a great thing to remember. It's those little moments that are so precious! the sum of which makes you think your heart will explode with pure love and joy!!!!